• "Supergirl" is a CW Network (formerly CBS) series developed by writer-producers Greg Berlanti, Ali Adler, Sarah Shechter, and Andrew Kreisberg.

"Supergirl" is a CW Network (formerly CBS) series developed by writer-producers Greg Berlanti, Ali Adler, Sarah Shechter, and Andrew Kreisberg. (Photo : Facebook/Supergirl)

"Supergirl" season 2 will introduce a new villain during the final episodes this year. Project Cadmus will also take center stage, and executive producer Andrew Kreisberg shared some details about the organization.

While speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Kreisberg explained that Project Cadmus is the mysterious organization that has been holding Jeremiah Danvers as one of its captives.

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"Project Cadmus is dedicated to eradicating alien life on Earth. They're fanatics. They're true believers. It's a collection of scientists, of very bright, patriotic people who truly believe what they're saying. That makes them even more dangerous," he said.

Meanwhile, Kevin Smith recently opened up about the episode that he directed for "Supergirl" season 2 entitled "Supergirl Lives."

While speaking with Screen Rant, he said, "I'm happy to see any show that puts a positive spin on this stuff. It's a big boys club, we all know that, superheroes and stuff. But that's not true. There's a lot of girls and women out there that love this, but you've got to give it to them at a young age. With this show, you'll have a whole generation of girls growing up thinking about Supergirl the way I thought about Superman."

In other news, the "Supergirl" and "The Flash" crossover will feature songs to be sung by stars Melissa Benoist, Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Jeremy Jordan, John Barrowman and more. Details from the musical crossover have yet to be released, but executive producer Greg Berlanti said that some of the songs and performances will take place inside the characters' heads as though they were dreaming.

"Supergirl" season 2 will premiere on The CW on Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. ET. "The Flash" season 3 will premiere on the same network on Oct. 4 at 8 p.m. ET.