"Secret and Lies," ABC's new crime drama unfolds a story of a man who seems to be the prime suspect of murder of a 5-year-old boy. This limited-run crime drama starting Ben Crawford (Ryan Phillippe), his wife Christy Crawford (KaDee Strickland), Detective Andrea Cornell (Juliette Lewis) and their neighbor Jess Murphy (Natalie Martinez) are in the main cast, ABC reported.
The crime show premiered Sunday with a two-hour special starting at 9 p.m. The story which went as Ben discovered a body of a neighborhood boy in the woods, which is being told from the viewpoint of his character as he tries to reveal the murderer.
Pieces of evidences found were strong enough to prove him as he is the only suspect of the crime. First, the flashlight by which the boy had beaten to death that was the murder weapon found near his body, which was actually the same flashlight missing from Ben's painter kit.
But the second evidence is much dense, as Christy came across to the fact that the murdered boy is actually the son of her husband, Ben with her neighbor Jess after a DNA test conducted by the investigation team. Apparently, for investigator Cornell this evidence acts as a trump card to incarcerate Ben.
As the story proceeded to the end of the first night episode, it actually seems intriguing for the viewers to watch out for the next telecast. And certainly more interesting to see who could be the Killer, was it Ben? Or might be his wife with whom he got into a fight the night before the murder after being acknowledged about his affair with Jess, their next-door neighbor, according to TV Line.