• Batman: Arkham Knight is a action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Batman: Arkham Knight is a action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Photo : Facebook/Batman Arkham)

"Batman: Arkham Knight" full patch notes for the PC platform was revealed.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released the full patch updates for "Batman: Arkham Knight" for the PC platform. The patch notes contained several in-game fixes such as reduced frame rate hitches, improved GPU performance, comprehensive in-game settings, optimized usage of system memory and VRAM, texture bugs and hitches in the hard drives.

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In addition to the patch fixes, "Batman: Arkham Knight" will also get new sets of future updates such as support from both Photo mode and Season Pass DLCs. There are also continues fixes on the in-game bugs found in Windows 7 software, configurations on the 8GB system RAM and extended gameplay on the NVIDIA GPUs.

It was not long ago that someone from Warner Bros. have leaked these said patch notes in the internet as PC users have checked the contents of update and began downloading them. The patch update proved to be effective as gaming fans were thrilled that some of the glitches that are plaguing "Batman" Arkham Knight" have been fixed and games runs very smoothly during in-game sessions.

Unfortunately, Warner Bros. took action and replaced the said leaked patch fix with another patch update, which caused sudden major crash issues for PC users downloading it.

"Batman: Arkham Knight" is currently available in store for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PC version will be launched in the fall.

Meanwhile, Rocksteady Studios is planning on making a new DC superhero game after the Batman Arkham series. "Batman: Arkham Knight" contained several Easter eggs from different DC characters such as Superman, The Flash, Lex Luthor, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna, Blue Beetle and many more.

It was speculated that Superman is the likely candidate for Rocksteady's next new project due to the hype of the upcoming DC superhero film, "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice", Movie Pilot reported.

"Batman: Arkahm Origins" developer stated that they are also planning to work on other characters in the DC universe such as Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Shazam and Green Lantern.

Popular "Batman: Arkahm Knight" modder Heitor Fraga has uploaded another video from the game that features a character that looks like Clark Kent preparing to fly complete with a Superman theme song, Gamerant reported.