30 years ago, Marty McFly travelled to October 21, 2015, the famous "Back to the Future" day that has passed away. The classic sci-fi blockbuster made many predictions regarding the era we live today, but what inventions shown in the movie really came true?
First to begin with little trivial details for those who have not watched the Back to the Future II (1989), Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc (Christopher Lloyd) and Jennifer (Claudia Wells) used a time travelling car to teleport to the future exactly at 4:29 pm of October 21, 2015.
During their stay in the future, many gadgets and innovations were showed; predictions so far-sighted that some of them are still to be fulfilled. Astonishingly, Back to the Future has realized more dreams than anyone ever expected.
Here are 5 accurate predictions that precisely came positive after our reality check.
1) Hoverboards
The real version of hoverboard may not be as flourishing as predicted in the movie, but it is close enough. The Japanese automaker Lexus recently previewed a prototype hoverboard that hovers over the powerful magnetic strip. While a California-based company ARX Pax is running a Kickstarter campaign to develop their own manifestation of hoverboarding.
2) Wearable Technology
In Back to the Future II, the kids of our time have shown to be wearing some sort of headset which acts both as a TV and a phone. Today, innovations like Google Glass, Oculus Rift and soon-to-arrive Microsoft Hololens make a far better manifestation of what the movie had theorized.
3) Video calls
The aged Marty McFly used video call screen to get in touch with his co-workers. Back in 1989, that must have been something, but today it has become a house hold facility as people can connect and coordinate with each other via Skype and more advanced teamwork software, which are available for all type of video playing devices.
4) Hands-free gaming
Back to the Future II didn't show exactly how the game consoles in 2015 looked like, but the way the kids at Cafe 80s mock the hero for using his hands to play an arcade game give us an idea that they pretty much had something close to Xbox Kinect back at home. Another accurate prediction.
5) Tablet computers
As Doc meets Marty by the clocktower on 21 October 2015, he was holding a gadget that looked like a tablet computer. Now days, we have smartphones, tablets and phablets, pick whichever you want to meet that description.
Although, Back to the Future II could not precisely predict everything about the future that we are living now, it's amazing to see how many of those wild-shots turned out to be true. Back to the Future has been an inspirational trilogy; it taught us that fiction is not going to stay fiction forever.