Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 6:15PM Updated

Jahlil Okafor was taken by the Philadelphia 76ers as the No.3 overall pick in the draft.
76ers' Jahlil Okafor Not Disppointed With Being Third Pick

NBA Rumors And News: Phoenix Suns Interested In Offering Partial Guarantee To Justin Hamilton, Boston Celtics To Trade For David Lee
Warriors Could Only Surrender This Year's 30th Pick in David Lee

Kevin Durant's new red shoes are creating talks he is set to join the Wizards
Durant's New Red Nike KD8 Shoes Ignite Talks He Is Going to Wizards

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Floyd Mayweather Sr. was called immature by his son Money May for criticizing Adrien Broner
Money May Calls Dad Floyd Sr. Immature for Lambasting Adrien Broner

Kevin Love
Cavs Expected to Sign and Trade Kevin Love

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is communicating with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell seeking ways to keep the Chargers in the city.
Fans, San Diego Mayor Intensify Efforts to Keep Chargers From Relocating

Tito Ortiz fought at Bellator 120 where rumors circulated that somebody took a dive
Is Bellator MMA Fake and Trying to Copy Professional Wrestling?

Mayweather is once eyeing an easy opponent.
Mayweather Duping Fans to a 'Cherry Pick of the Century'

In Case You Missed It

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