Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 1:27AM Updated

Advocates continue to push for tougher tobacco regulations in China.
Beijing Youth Exposed to Tobacco

In the U.S., campaigns against bullying have gone a long way to reduce cases.
Three Chinese Students Face Imprisonment in US Bullying Case

Tsai Ing-wen is Taiwan's first female president-elect.
Taiwan Elects Tsai, Independence Unlikely

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Iron Maiden recently released their latest album,
Iron Maiden to Rock China as Part of Upcoming World Tour

Selling of stolen phones has become rampant in China.
New Tibetan Fonts Give More Options for Smartphone Users

The film will mark the first time that Angelababy will work with Ethan Ruan.
Angelababy to Star in Romance Murder Mystery ‘Kill Time’

“Go Princess Go” is produced by LeTV, one of China's biggest online video companies.
Online Series ‘Go Princess Go’ a Hit with Young Viewers

An estimated 50 million to 70 million people in China identify themselves as LGBT.
China’s LGBT Community Gives Opportunity to Travel Startups

The prosecution says more than 70 percent of files it got from three servers of Qvod were pornographic materials.
Young People Find Ways to Watch Porn Despite Crackdown

Bowie became a cultural icon with a career spanning six decades.
Chinese Musicians Honor David Bowie on Sina Weibo

In Case You Missed It

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