Monday, 24th, 2025 | 5:17PM Updated

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Xie Yanxi has become a full-time investor in stock market investments, using her mathematics degree to her advantage.
Young Math Graduate Braves Stock Market Investment

The handicraft industry is another platform for women to find employment and possibly start a career.
Women's Handicraft Expo to Be Initiated in East China

Tu Youyou is known for being the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Tu Youyou Visited by Heads of ACWF

The ACWF has been active in promoting women's empowerment.
ACWF Launches Mobile App to Help Chinese Women

ACWF Vice President Song Xiuyan visited China Women's University and China Children's Center on Monday.
ACWF VP Visits CWU and CCC Ahead of National Teachers' Day

The ACWF has been active in promoting women's empowerment.
ACWF VP Stresses Importance of Women’s Economic Empowerment

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