Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 5:27PM Updated

Apple recently closed its Twitter analytics service Topsy.
Topsy Bids Farewell; Apple Shuts Down Twitter Analytics Service

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Apple's Smart Battery Case
Apple Smart Battery Case: To Buy Or Not To Buy?

Apple investors are looking to break the company's own holiday sales record.
Apple Acquires Facial Recognition Company Faceshift

Google Nexus smartphone
Google Plans Super-Fast Mobile Web Page, News Article Loading

Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Apple Inc. designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers.
Apple Sends Out Invitations For Upcoming Sept. 9 Event

Apple Inc. New Store Design

Samsung continues its tirade against Apple.
Samsung Brings Legal Battle Against Apple To The Supreme Court

In Case You Missed It

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