Friday, 28th, 2025 | 4:24AM Updated

A docked Nintendo Switch is used as a home console.
Nintendo Switch has no game bundled with unit

Pokemon toys are displayed as Hamley's announce it's top ten toys for Christmas at Hamleys on October 6, 2016 in London, England.
'Pokemon' game planned for Nintendo Switch

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The Nintendo Switch, known in development as the NX, is a hybrid video game console developed by Nintendo.
Nintendo Switch event to focus on games

A docked Nintendo Switch is used as a home console.
Snakebyte unveils Nintendo Switch accessories

Ness and Paula traversing a town in 'Earthbound,' the second game in the franchise which launched for the SNES and the Virtual Console.
'Mother 3' expected to launch on Switch Virtual Console

The main character looks at an alien landscape in 'Mass Effect: Andromeda.'
No Nintendo Switch port of 'Mass Effect: Andromeda'

The Nintendo Switch, known in development as the NX, is a hybrid video game console developed by Nintendo.
Nintendo Switch unable to support current gen ports

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