• New “Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2” trailer showcases 12 multiplayer maps, over 100 new playable characters and more.

New “Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2” trailer showcases 12 multiplayer maps, over 100 new playable characters and more. (Photo : YouTube/ ArcadeGo)

EA has just released the latest trailer of the upcoming third-person shooter and tower defense video game "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2," which showcases 12 new multiplayer maps. Each map is distinct and presents hidden secrets as well as Easter eggs.

Running for a little more than three minutes, the latest video clip of "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2," which will be released later this month, presents plenty of enjoyable locales for the players to explore, and blast their opponents. Each of the maps has a fantastic look and come with a Japanese song, which runs through the entire trailer, Cinema Blend reported.

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Each of the maps supports 12-player modes. They include the deserted Boneyard Island, Colizeum, snow-covered Great White North, Frosty Creek, futuristic Lunar Landing, Moon Base Z, Sandy Sands, Time Park, ZTech Factory, Zen Peak and Zomburbia.

All the maps shown in the trailer cram in details as well as various secrets, which players will find interesting to explore. At the same time, the new game offers all the usual shooter tropes, which are always desirable for the more hardcore players. The maps include unprotected areas that would delight snipers to several choke points and cover-filled facilities, "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2" producer Kyle Duncan recently wrote in his PlayStation blog post.

Duncan went on to explain that in addition to incorporating everything that players have loved in the original game, "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2" has more to offer. The upcoming game offers new battle grounds, including "Backyard Battleground," which features maps that are supposedly still isolated by the plants. In addition, it features other areas captured by Zombies for rebuilding them to serve their purposes.

Aside from the 12 multiplayer maps, gamers will also enjoy playing 14 different categories of characters comprising over 100 playable characters. In addition, those pre-ordering the game will get access to an exceptional pair of characters, named Mech and the Z7 Imp.

Watch the "Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2" 12 maps trailer below: