A man was not expecting something else when he set up a fox trap, but he ended up with a mountain lion instead.

As part of their daily routine, Justin Casey and his wife went and visited the fox trap expecting small game. They were shocked when they found out that a mountain lion was inside the cage.

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However, trapping mountain lions are illegal. Mr. and Mrs. Casey decided to set the big cat free onto the wild, according to Mirror.

As seen in the footage, Mr. Casey attempts to open the fox trap's cage to let the mountain lion out, but the agitated animal keeps on hissing and swiping at the direction of him.

Mr. Casey had to sneak from behind to open the fox trap's gate. The couple hoped that the mountain lion will just run and escape, instead of turning around and chasing the married couple, the Telegraph reported.

The couple films the outside of the fox trap and the mountain lion can be seen growling at them. Mr. Casey spends a couple of minutes trying to take out some of the twigs and wooden sticks used to camouflage the fox trap in order to let more room for the animal to run once the gate is opened.

Mr. Casey tries to open the cage, but the mountain lion keeps on swiping the gate.

Finally after a few more minutes, Mr. Casey manages to open the gate without provoking the mountain lion. He places a wooden stick to hold the gate open and within seconds the trapped animal started to flee.