• Fairy Tail chapter 484 spoilers and beyond

Fairy Tail chapter 484 spoilers and beyond (Photo : Shonen)

There must be a reason behind Hiro Mashima's fascination with dragons and arcane magic. On Sunday, the Fairy Tail creator had himself exposed as an avid fan of the Game of Thrones after he posted a series of tweets showing his great deal of anticipation for HBO's chart-topping fantasy series.

After waiting for roughly a year, the Game of Thrones is back with a swashbuckling first episode of Season 6 on Sunday. Mashima, who admitted that he had to skip sleep just to catch up with the season premiere, didn't forego the opportunity of expressing his excitement for the fantasy series, which is a live action adaptation from George R.R Martin's book series "A Song of Ice and Fire."

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Mashima even drew an ecstatic Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki, the ace of Blue Pegasus and posted it on his Twitter account just to show to everyone how pumped up he is for the return of his favorite series.

There's no denying that some elements prevailing in the Fairy Tail universe draw similarities with the TV series. But this revelation from Mashima may have finally explained his decision to pick dragons and magicians as the central characters of the story.

Paying Homage to Captain America: Civil War

-Marvel's latest superhero flick is expected to be the talk of the town in the succeeding days as it makes its international premiere on April 27 (Thursday) before debuting in North America a week later on May 7.

'United we stand, Divided we fall.' This serves as the main theme of the movie that depicts the tension between two opposing factions of superheroes led by Captain America and Iron Man, fighting for what they believe is right.

But what if there's a civil war of the same magnitude within the Fairy Tail Guild. What would the poster look like? Thanks to this hype poster below, there's no need to imagine the level of awesomeness the 'fantasy story arc' would bring to its fans.

Capt America: Civil War - Fairy Tail: Civil War
(Photo : Twitter) Capt America: Civil War - Fairy Tail: Civil War

Who is Eileen Belselion?

-Chapter 483 reveals a new member of the Spriggan 12. Brandish called him the strongest woman and arguably individual in the group of powerful mages. Eileen Belselion is his name and many are already connecting her to Erza because of their striking resemblance.

But who really is this red-hair wizard coming from the Northern continent? There are speculations that he might be related to Erza by blood, perhaps his mother or sister. No matter what it is, her presence is a game-changer in the Alvarez Empire saga.