• Bruce Jenner

Bruce Jenner (Photo : Reuters)

Cops are investigating all possible causes of the fatal Malibu car crash involving the former Olympian Bruce Jenner, which includes the possible "texting while driving" situation, solidified by the photos that Jenner was holding a cellphone around the time when the accident occurred.

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"There was a photo showing Mr. Jenner possibly holding a cellphone prior to the crash," Los Angeles County Sheriff Sgt. Phillip Brooks shared with The News.

Alan Nierob, Jenner's publicist, defended the "now transitioning into a woman" celebrity that he was neither texting nor talking with someone over the phone when Feb. 7's car crash happened on the Pacific Coast Highway.

"Evidences will soon show that Bruce was not busy with his mobile phone at the time of the car crash," the publicist said.

LASD Deputy Cmdr. Mike Parker, on the other hand, said that their investigation will check Jenner's phone records, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Police has also released a statement that they have already ruled-out the possibility that Jenner was being followed by paparazzi.

"Bruce Jenner verified to police that he realized paparazzi were following him - like they always do," Brooks revealed. "There is no indication that they were driving aggressively, though. Well, that is the thrill of living in LA- the paparazzi are always there," the County Sheriff added.

Meanwhile, Jenner said on Feb. 8, Sunday, "My heartfelt and deepest sympathies to the victims' family and loved ones, and to all others who were involved or injured in this terrible incident."

"I am praying for them. I will continue to cooperate in every way possible," Jenner added.