• Boruto Manga

Boruto Manga (Photo : Character Designs)

With Boruto: Naruto Next Generation officially kicking off earlier this month, rumors of potential Shippuden version of the manga series are all over the internet. That's right, there are reports the sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's shonen manga hit will push through the adolescence stage of the main character, namely Boruto Uzamaki.

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The new era of shinobi has begun, and whether you like or not, the Boruto manga series is here to stay for quite some time.

Despite a so-so opening chapter, Boruto: Naruto Next Generation will continue to expand the Naruto Universe as we know it and delve deeper into the characters of Boruto and the rest of the new-aged shinobis. And while every major characters is at their early teens in the current settings, a plan is apparently in store to push the series all the way to their adolescence stage, just like Kishimoto did in Naruto Shippuden.

Chapter 1 of Boruto manga already foreshadows that this series will be featuring a grown-up Boruto, Sarada and Mitsuki down the road. In his battle against Kawaki set years after the current storyline, Boruto noticeably isn't anymore a youngster. He's all grown up man (around 15-16), much stronger and much wiser.

To add more fire to the hype, a set of character designs of every major Boruto manga characters is circulating online, all of them shown in their Shippuden-liked forms.  While it's uncertain if this is indeed official art designs for Boruto Shippuden, expectations are high that this manga series will match the success of its predecessor.

Boruto: Naruto Next Generation manga series chapter 2 will be released on June 10.