• Cellphone use is believed to weaken ties between people.

Cellphone use is believed to weaken ties between people. (Photo : Reuters)

Many of us feel that we could not live without our cellphones. A recent Harris Interactive Poll shows that many Americans are addicted to them.

The results of the poll show how critical cellphones have become to us. In fact, over two-third of American adults or 68 per cent sleep with their cellphones beside their beds.

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There were some other interesting results of the poll. It revealed that most Americans talk or text while they are driving. Also, about 33 percent check their phones while watching films, according to Yahoo.

Some participants in the poll even admitted to using their phones in quite awkward moments. That includes 10 percent of those surveyed using their phones during sex, and some even taking selfies with a beloved deceased person at funerals.  

Cellphone addition is a type of technology addiction, which also includes those involving gaming and computers. And technology addictions are one type of behavioral addictions, which also include gambling and sex.

Any activity that our brains tell us is enjoyable could become addictive. The main aspect of any type of addiction is a loss of control.

For example, perhaps you always get excited when you hear you cellphone beep or buzz. Maybe the first item you reach for in the morning is your cellphone, which could be a sign of cellphone addiction according to Outcast Radio.

Scientific research has found that there are six signs of behavioral or substance addiction. They include tolerance, salience, relapse, mood modification, conflict, and withdrawal.  

All of these signs are applicable to an addiction to cellphones. The key is to determine whether or not you are addicted to them.

One test that determines whether or not you are addicted requires you to read the definitions of each of the signs. Then you must judge whether you agree or disagree with particular statements related to the signs.