• Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck (Photo : Reuters)

Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck alleges the true goal on the approaching Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote about net neutrality is to control the Internet's flow of information. He also believes taxes are another factor.

Beck said on his radio program net neutrality is "truly about control," according to The Blaze. He argues the US government has already attempted to take away the people's right to own weapons and voice their opinions. 

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The pundit claims passing the net neutrality law will create a Department of the Internet. This department will resemble existing ones such as the Internal Revenue Service. 

Beck, an ex-Fox News personality, also said he believes a smaller issue related to net neutrality is taxes. He argued it's a method by which the federal government can increase its tax revenue.

He claims net neutrality favors large companies such as Netflix, which use an enormous amount of bandwidth. If Congress passes the law, individuals will have less Internet access that's free and open. 

Beck also criticized people who support net neutrality. He alleges they're not truly interested in achieving "Internet fairness."

Beck is surprised by the huge number of people in favor of net neutrality. According to him, one explanation is they don't understand it in full.

One caller to Beck's show said that net neutrality could cause his small Internet companies to go out of business, according to Tech Times. That's because he believes the government will control the rates his company charges.

Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck recently stated that the true goal on the approaching Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote about net neutrality is to control the Internet's flow of information. He also believes that taxes are another factor.