• Headaches caused by sodium

Headaches caused by sodium (Photo : www.menshealth.com)

Consuming food high in sodium may lead to different ailments like headaches, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and heart attack. Too much intake of sodium can cause fluid retention and can gain weight.  COPD patients may worsen their dypsnea, or shortness of breath since they consume a diet high in sodium.

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A low sodium diet should not be restricted to people suffering with COPD, it may also be recommended for people at risk for it or other health issues.

Stay away from sodium by cooking home food and staying away from the salt shaker. Experiment with different types of herbs that will make the dish taste good without the presence of sodium, according to About Health.

According to a study, people who consume a typical American diet with 1,500 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day are about 25 percent less to experience tension types of headaches compared to people who consume 3,500 mg of sodium.

People who followed the DASH diet and maxed out their sodium level have reduced their risk in developing head pounding headaches.  DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and low in fat and cholesterol diet.

Researches however have no clear explanation yet as to how too much sodium intake can cause such headaches. However, consuming too much of nutrients increases the volume of blood, according to the study author Lawrence Appel, M.D., M.P.H, Men's Health reported.

As a result, blood will take up more space in the blood vessels which will expand the vessels a bit to accommodate the blood volume. The act of expanding blood vessels and contractions is what triggers the headaches.