• Baby Silas Phillips

Baby Silas Phillips (Photo : www.dailymail.co.uk)

Baby Silas Phillips was in no rush to join his mother when he was delivered three months premature, and still inside his amniotic sac.

The doctors, who described the event as a "medical miracle" because of its rarity, performed a Caesarian section on the mother, Chealsea, at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California.

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The baby boy was still getting oxygen through the placenta when he was delivered, until the bag broke.

During birth, the sac usually breaks down, releasing the fluid inside the womb that helps cushion the baby and provides it fluid and oxygen. When it breaks, people use the term "water breaking" in reference. In the case of a C-section, it is the surgeon who cuts the sac.

But when it is delivered intact, it is a rare medical occurence. Even Dr William Binder who delivered Silas was astonished to see it, reports the Daily Mail.

"Even though it sounds cliched, we caught our breath," the doctor said. "It really felt like a moment of awe... and one that will stick in my moment for some time." He added that baby Silas was seconds old and was still inside the bag, with the umbilical cord and placenta still intact.

Silas' mother did not know anything about the excitement felt by the medical personnel that time, until her doctor showed her the photo.

She told CBS Los Angeles earlier, "It was definitely like a clear film where you could definitely make out his head and his hair." Her baby was still in a fetal position, with the arms and legs curled up, she added.

After knowing that it was a rare delivery, she gushed saying, "Oh my gosh you're a special little baby."

Baby Silas is doing well, despite the type of premature delivery, and might be going home in the coming month, doctors said.