• Your Facebook account can now remain intact even after you die.

Your Facebook account can now remain intact even after you die.

Facebook Page managers should be aware that in the coming weeks, their Page "likes" might suddenly be a bit lower. Here's why:

In a blog post dated March 6, 2015, Facebook announced that it will be making changes to the way it counts page likes. It likewise warned page owners that their number of likes would likely take a slight hit as the company implements its new "like" policy.

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The new policy will remove likes from accounts of deceased owners, or those which have been memorialized. It will also stop counting likes from voluntarily deactivated accounts.

According to a report by Mashable, Facebook stated that business owners are likely to benefit from this update, as it will keep a more accurate track of their page popularity, since the page stats to be removed are from those who are no longer Facebook users. This will also provide page and business owners with a more accurate glimpse of their current social media demographic.

 In the case of voluntarily deactivated accounts, respective page likes from such will automatically be restored should the account be reactivated.

Another reason for the like count change is so that "data on Facebook is consistent and up-to-date." Facebook already removes comments and likes from accounts which have been deactivated or memorialized, so the update is just meant to keep consistency across the board.

In the statement, Facebook further announced that "everyone benefits from meaningful information on Facebook." They further stated that they hope the update "makes Pages even more valuable for businesses."