• One Piece Episode 771 Preview

One Piece Episode 771 Preview (Photo : Youtube/One Piece)

Luffy and the Straw Hats pirates' discovery of one of the four road poneglyphs led them to question its purpose. And no one could better explain it than the people of Wano Country, whose ancestors are the creators of the Poneglyphs.

Unfortunately, the wisdom of creating and reading Poneglyphs ended upon the death of Kozuki Oden, the daimyo of the Wano Country and a former crew of the Roger Pirates.

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Luffy and his crew also learned from the Kozuki Family retainers that the Yonko Kaido of the Beast was the one who killed Oden because he accompanied Gol D. Roger in his venture to the Island of Raftel. Because of this bitter experience, Kuzoki Family retainers swear to retake Wano Country from the Beast Pirates with the help of Minks and hopefully Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates.

Episode 771 Spoilers:

-Raizo, Kanjuro and Kin'emon express their intention of regaining back Wano Country with Minks' help. The Kozuki Family retainers also ask Luffy and Strawhat Pirates to give them a hand in their fight to get back their lands, but Luffy initially refuses to the surprise of his crew,

-Luffy wants Momonosuke, the heir to the daimyo of the Wano Country, to speak for himself. He asked him to stop crying and be a man. Momonosuke went on to narrate the fate of his father Oden and mother at the hands of Kaido. He wants to avenge their death and save his homeland from the Beast Pirates' clutches.

-Luffy accepts the request and now forms an alliance with Kozuki Family samurais and the minks, vowing to honor his word in due time. For now, he plans to sail to Whole Cake Island and save Sanji from Big Moms.

-The mink leaders were surprised to learn about Luffy's intention of taking on a Yonko ruler, but the Strawhat Pirates captain reassures them that everything will be alright as he's not going to face the Yonko Big Mom.

-While the Minks are celebrating the truce between Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, Jack returns to Zou more determined than ever to make life miserable for the Minks. Jack has already dismissed the option of ambushing the Minks leaders, opting to kill the elephant instead.

Episode and Air Date Info:

Source material for Episode 771 is based on Chapter 819 of the One Piece Manga: Momonosuke, Heir of the Kozuki Family." Fuji TV will broadcast One Piece this Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 8:30 p.m US EST. You can also watch the episode online via Crunchy Roll.

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