•  The first-person shooter video game "Battlefield Hardline" was  developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts in collaboration with EA Digital Illusions CE.

The first-person shooter video game "Battlefield Hardline" was developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts in collaboration with EA Digital Illusions CE. (Photo : Facebook/Battlefield)

In the new "Battlefield Hardline," players can arrest the criminals and shoot them at the same time. 

According to IGN, the single-player shooting game revolves around a good Miami cop who wants to change the world by doing good deeds.  The presentation was well designed and done and this is one feature the players are looking for in a good game.

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Another surprising element of this game is that the bad guys respect the police officer's badge when shown to them. A funny thing to do when confronted with two to three bad guys, they stop when the badge is shown and when "freeze" is shouted. Arresting the enemy is a noble deed for the police officer instead of just shooting them down.

Areas that you need to infiltrate should be scouted out for enemies and avoiding being seen by them. Players should find resourceful ways to sneak up and surprise the enemy then arrest them making sure no one has seen you, as per reports by BGR.

Players should also watch out for missteps along the way that may eventually lead to a chaotic shootout with a large group of criminals.  Since Nick is not a superhero with eluding bullets, he gets to get shot at times.  Although players can go around accidents by improvisation using what is at hand. This is a unique feature of Battlefield Hardline which captures the interest of the players.

With this game, players gain experience whenever they are able to have a case file, find a criminal, arrest them and complete the goal. Gaining a rank will enable the players to unlock new and better weapons and upgrades to those weapons which you will need to keep alive and make your life a lot easier.