• Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley (Photo : Reuters)

"Insurgent" actress Shailene Woodley is known for her untraditional ways regarding food and lifestyle and her latest revelation is from a behind-the-scenes video of her photo shoot from Nylon magazine.

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According to the four-minute video, she shared that she has eaten ants and it was great for her. The 23-year-old continued to reveal that she also ate June bugs and she seriously thinks that insects are the future of food because they are very gelatinous and it felt great for her stomach.

The revelation comes after she was asked to answer 16 questions since the photo shoot was for the 16th anniversary of the magazine. Aside from bugs, Woodley also shared that she did have pig's feet in Spain a few months ago and it was awesome for her.

She also talked about her zodiac sign, which is being a Scorpio, and she pointed out that the most Scorpio thing about her is that she loves to wear black. The words that she uses most of the time are "awesome" and "beautiful".

Aside from the revelations, she also dipped her fingers regarding her thoughts on what people should do for the planet as she encouraged everyone to do something small because it would work and dedicated to it in order to do something every single day to help the place we live in. She pointed out that there are so many things that one could possibly due and even the simplest would help the planet.

The "Insurgent" star also talked about her dating tips for everyone noting that if it's not going good, there's no reason to stay and that one should just be his or her self. Woodley also talked about what it means to be happy and she shared that it's when she does not feel worried, guilty or stressed out because that's when she feels she is most grounded. And just like any other people's wish, she would grow a pair of wings and fly if she could.

According to Bustle, aside from eating bugs, Woodley is also known for being a Nomad, eating clay, making her own medicine, never washing her hair, not using a cellphone, and sunning her private parts every now and then.