• Underground radio stations illegally earn by unlawfully hawking fake medicines.

Underground radio stations illegally earn by unlawfully hawking fake medicines. (Photo : Reuters)

Paracetamol is found to be an ineffective drug to cure back pains despite of it being recommended as treatment by most physicians.

A group of Australian researchers warned the consuming public to avoid taking such drug as back pain reliever.  The group's review of 13 clinical trials which was published in the British Medical Journal explained that paracetamol does not improve the quality of life or reduce disability, BBC reported.

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This group of researchers rather disclosed a warning that from consuming paracetamol, possibilities of liver problems increases.

Experts explained that it is not any better than a dummy pill or placebo. Nevertheless, people choose to use paracetamol as the first aid treatment for GPs dealing with lower back pains. The recent study calls to have the clinical guidelines be reviewed and that non-drug prescriptions like normal exercise be recommended for patients suffering from back pains.

another thing that the researchers discovered was that paracetamol is less beneficial for patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

Lower back pains are triggered by bad posture habits while standing or sitting, incorrect bending or lifting heavy items improperly, according to Mail Online.

In many cases, back pain sufferers feel better within the span of 12 weeks while taking pain killers and keeping themselves mobile.

Gustavo Machado, Lead author from The George Institute and University of Sydney, explained that since paracetamol is the most widely used over-the-counter drugs for common muscular pains, it is best to review the new evidence that was discovered with regard to this matter.

"Patients were nearly four times more likely to have abnormal results on liver function tests compared to those taking placebo pills," Machado stated.