• Sony

Sony (Photo : Reuters)

Sony has already started sending out invitations for its Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 press conference. With that in mind, here are some of the things Sony fans are expecting to be unveiled.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
A teaser trailer of "Uncharter 4: A Thief's End" was presented at the E3 2014 conference and after six months Sony released a gameplay demo, according to IGN. The game is scheduled to be released in 2016 and fans of the series are expecting additional information from Sony about the development status of the game.

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Project Morpheus
Virtual Reality is one of the hottest trends today when it comes to video games and Sony has entered the race with its own Project Morpheus. Fans are expecting that Sony will be dedicating a serious amount of its conference time into its VR platform. Among the games fans wanted to be offered in Virtual Reality are "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture" and "No Man's Sky."

New Video Game Titles
Rumor has it that Sony will be unveiling at least nine video games this coming E3. Among these upcoming titles are "God of War III: Remastered," "Gran Turismo 7," "Until Dawn," and "Tearaway Unfolded."

The Last Guardian
"The Last Guardian" has been in developmental stage since 2007 and so far Sony has been very quiet about its status. The last time this game hit the headlines was when its trademark was abandoned after Sony was not able to renew it. So far Sony has announced that the game is still in development and it won't be a surprise if the company will release fresh news about the game in the upcoming E3 conference.

 According to Gamespot, Sony's E3 conference is scheduled on June 15.