• iOS 7

iOS 7 (Photo : YouTube/Mark Watson)

A strange bug found in the latest version of Apple's iOS can crash and reboot your iPhone if you receive a specific text message.

The bug works as follows: When the particular text message is sent and the phone of the recipient is unlocked, messages will constantly crash. When the text is sent and the iPhone is locked, the mobile phone will crash, switch off and reboot, according to CNET.

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The bug inhibits iPhone owners from accessing their Messages app until the individual who sent the bug sends another message.

The text includes the words 'effective' and 'power' along with Arabic letters. The bug affects iOS 7 and iOS 8 right now.

However, there are some exceptions to the bug. The text message causes the mobile phone to enter safe mode if the iPhone is a jailbroken phone. In addition, the bug will not work if the user of iPhone is seeing the texts from the recipient.

There are a number of ways owners of iPhone could fix the bug. The first way would be for the individual who sent you the message to send another message canceling out the first one. Also, you can send yourself a message via the share sheet, Siri or from your Mac, 9to5Mac reported.

You can also open Photos and send a photo to the individual who sent the text and then go into iMessage and remove the conversation. If your mobile phone has the bug, you can go to Settings > Notifications > Messages. You need to make sure that the 'Show on Lock Screen tab is off' and 'none' is chosen for alert style when unlocked.

A spokesperson for Apple said that they are working on a fix.