• Windows 10

Windows 10 (Photo : REUTERS/JASON REDMOND)

Microsoft surprised a lot of its testers after releasing Windows 10 build 10159 on Tuesday, just one day since the last build was released. Microsoft claims that the Windows 10 build 10159 fixed more than 300 bugs.

A statement released on Microsoft official blog says, "We could have held off on it and picked a later build to give you some time with 10158 but we thought that you'd want to see that one change... Let us know if we chose correctly, or if Fast suddenly got *too* fast with 2 builds in 2 days."

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Unlike the Windows 10 build 10158 which introduced several features, build 10159 focused on bug fix. Microsoft engineering general manager for operating systems group Gabriel Aul also hinted that a "very interesting change" was introduced to the latest build of Windows 10.

According to NeoWin, the interesting change Aul is referring to is the significant improvement in the login screen. The new build now shows the user's photo right in the front center of the screen. Windows 10's previous iterations placed user's photo on the side of their name.

Aside from the new login screen, build 10159 also introduce the new default wallpaper which was introduced by Microsoft a week ago. The new wallpaper shows an illuminated traditional Windows logo.

Upon the release of build 10159, some testers who are actively downloading the previous build complain that they receive error. Microsoft said that a simple reboot and rechecking of updates will fix the problem.

The final version of Windows 10 will be released on July 29. The upcoming Windows 10 operating system will be released as a free upgrade to current Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users.