• CurrentC

CurrentC (Photo : Facebook)

Merchant Customer Exchange, also known as MCX, recently announced that it will start its first public test for its proposed contactless mobile-payment service. The public test will take place in Columbus Ohio.

MCX is a partnership formed by several large restaurants and retailer companies. Its members include Darden Restaurants, Target and Wal-Mart. The group was formed in 2015

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According to the Wall Street Journal, members of the MCX group previously agreed not to use alternative mobile payment systems for a certain period of time. Additionally, that promise period expires in the same week as the group plans to initiate its own mobile payment system.

Once the agreement expires, members of the MCX group are free to adopt any payment system which is currently include services from some of the biggest tech companies. Apple has its Apple Pay, Google has Google Wallet and Android Pay while Samsung has its own Samsung Pay.

Rite Aid Corporation, an MCX partner, recently announced that it will start accepting alternative payment system like Apple Pay and Android Pay starting Aug. 15. Additionally, Best Buy which is one of the founding partners of MCX announced in April that it will start accepting Apple Pay before the end of 2015.

According to Mac Rumors, aside from Apple Pay and Android Pay, Rite Aid will also accept MCX's own payment app known only as CurrentC once it becomes available. The drugstore chain said that its decision to adopt several alternative payment system is its way to give its customers a wide array of option in paying for their products.