• Chromebook 13 geared towards corporate users

Chromebook 13 geared towards corporate users (Photo : Courtesy Official Google For Work Blog)

In an effort to get more users off  laptop machines dominated by Microsoft's Windows software, Google's newest Chromebook laptop is gearing towards corporate customers.

The Chromebook 13 which is manufactured by Dell will go on sale on Sept. 17. According to GIZMODO Reviews prices for the laptops will range from $400 to $900.

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The laptops are set to range from a line-up of bare basic Chromebooks selling for as low as $150 since the internet company teamed up with Haier and Hisense to make the devices more affordable. 

While the cheap Chromebooks have become popular in classrooms they have yet to make any inroads with corporate users. 

The latest Chromebook offering by Google Inc promises flexibility to run a range of apps that have not been accessible on previous editions of the Chromebooks, according to Wired.

For entities looking to incorporate the laptops for internal use, the machines offer controls for corporate administrators  limit access while setting guidelines for how workers can use them. 

The Chromebook comes in Intel Celeron, Core i3 and i5 processors with 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB of system memory respectively along with a webcam, microphone and 16-32GB storage. 

The device offers support for legacy apps which means Chromebooks can now connect right in with VMWare, Citrix's improved Chrome receiver or Dell vWorkspace. 

The built in 1080p IPS LCD display is an upgrade for the brand according to the website and comes with USB2.0, USB 3.0 and AC and HDMI ports.

In addition the laptop's keyboard is backlit and has a battery life of 12 hours. Reviewers say while it is not as beautiful as the Chromebook Pixel and costs a third of the Pixel price its features are decent enough to compliment requirements of those in a corporate environment.