• VHS Camcorder app

VHS Camcorder app (Photo : Facebook)

VHS Camcorder is a new mobile app that nearly remakes the experience of using old-school video cameras, including the low-resolution video and staticy audio. The iPhone app uses a smartphone handset to recreate the appearance and sound of videotape recordings that have been stored away since the era of New Coke, "Back to the Future," and Super Mario Bros.  

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Rarevision, a post-production software company developed the new app. It is based in Los Angeles.

What makes the new software the real deal is that it not only features low-quality video, but also audio. Each clip includes a lot of audible static in the background.  

Another feature of VHS Camcorder is that the more the recorder moves while filming, the worse the video quality gets. Users can also swipe a finger across the touchscreen to make the image look pixilated, according to Yahoo Tech.

An annoying date stamp also makes the camcorder-like video more realistic and goofy. Not only that, but users can even customize the date so the iPhone video looks like it was actually shot during the 1980s or 1990s, according to Mashable.   

There is also a widescreen option. All cheesy videos made using the app can be shared on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

The new app is available at the iTunes App Store. Its $4 price tag would have been enough money three decades ago for a high-end fast food meal or 6-pack of cheap beer.  

VHS Camcorder has received many stellar reviews. Rarevision has announced that an Android version is in the works, although no release date has been set.

Here is a clip made with the new retro video app: