• The alter ego of Bruce Banner, Marvel superhero The Hulk was  created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.

The alter ego of Bruce Banner, Marvel superhero The Hulk was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. (Photo : Reuters )

The Marvel Universe is introducing its first Korean-American leading man named Amadeus Cho, a teenage prodigy of genius intellect. The character will be the star in the "Totally Awesome Hulk" written by its co-creator Greg Pak with art by Frank Cho.

Previously, Amadeus has served as a supporting character in both the "Incredible Hulk" and "Incredible Hercules" series, which were also written by Pak. The Korean-American teenage prodigy first appeared in "Amazing Fantasy No. 15" in 2016.

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In a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso revealed that the new Hulk is different from earlier Hulks because he will "carry the burden of being the Hulk like it weighs a feather."

According to Alonso, Amadeus is going to love every minute of it. In his previous appearances in comic book series, the character was described as one of the self-proclaimed smartest people on Earth and was shown butting heads with other superheroes.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Alonso said Amadeus came to mind for many different reasons. He said Amadeus is like Bruce Banner in terms of physical aspects but they are difference in terms of amount of experience and maturity although they are both very intelligent.

Having Amadeus in "Totally Awesome Hulk" as the Marvel Universe's first Korean-American leading man is part of Marvel Entertainment's move towards a more diverse lineup of mainline heroes.

In 2014, Jane Foster replaced Thor as God of Thunder while Sam Wilson, who was previously the Falcon, became Captain America.