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u=4293743779,27248107&fm=23&gp=0.jpg (Photo : baidu.com)

The China Ministry of National Defense issued a statement on Wednesday rejecting media reports that China's latest ultra-high speed test flight was directed at delivering warheads through U.S. missile defenses.

In its reply to China Daily, the ministry stated that it is only normal for China to perform scientific experiments according to its plans within its territory. The recent tests were not directed at any nation nor did it have a specific target.

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The significance of the missile test had been well emphasized by western media ever since The Washington Free Beacon news website quoted an anonymous Pentagon official as saying that the missile test was performed with the purpose of sending warheads through missile defenses of the United State.

Observers said reports that play up rivalry on military capabilities show a lack of mutual understanding between the militaries of China and the United State, but talks can resolve wrong perceptions.

The United State is worried about China's military development because of an absence of mutual strategic trust between the two nations, according to Fan Jishe an expert on U.S. studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Even though leading in terms of military ability, strategic weapons and conventional arrangements, the United State is anxious that China's growing power will diminish U.S. influence in the region and serve as a threat to the interests of its allies such as Japan and the Philippines, said Fan.

Fan added that China's transparency regarding developments in its military technologies is sufficient enough to allow development of mutual trust with other nations.

Li Qingkong, deputy secretary-general of the China Council for National Security Policy Studies said that United State or any other country should not worry about the development of the Chinese military, given the fact that China's military expenditures is much less than that of the United States.