• A fresh avocado a day keeps the doctor away, as studies confirm.

A fresh avocado a day keeps the doctor away, as studies confirm. (Photo : Instagram)

For individuals who have embraced the path to healthy eating, one superfood that packs a wallop is avocado. A recent study by the Journal of American Heart Association, an avocado a day can reduce bad cholesterol.

After surveying obese and overweight men and women who stuck to a moderate fat diet with one fresh avocado, researchers from the Pennsylvania State University confirmed that the superfood enhanced heart health, Avocado Central reported.

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Being laden with monounsaturated fats, fiber and phytosterols, an avocado-rich diet wins hands down in terms of conferring cardiovascular health benefits.  

The study supports earlier studies, including one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that uncovered the cholesterol-lowering effect of adhering to an avocado diet.

It turns out that an avocado diet surpassed the benefits of a complex carbohydrate diet in terms of decreasing total cholesterol level. On top of that, avocado's lutein and zeaxanthin content not only protect the eyes but also inhibit a bacterium linked to stomach cancer, Life Extension Magazine reported.

Avocado is a rich source of carotenoids and other nutrients essential not just for the heart, but also for eye and skin health has not escaped health buffs that include young people, athletes, moms, and celebrities.

Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow are just some of the Hollywood actresses who are known to be avocado lovers.

The superfood's high nutritive value has long been hailed for its ability to bolster the immune system and fiber benefits. Chefs and nutritionists attest to the versatility of avocado. It can be eaten by itself or mixed with salads, smoothies, salads and desserts.

Indeed, there numerous creative ways to prepare and enjoy avocados, just as there are many benefits to eating them.  The avocado has also become a social media sensation, thanks in large part to healthy eaters who post interesting ways to consume the superfood.