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A man claiming to be possessed was caught on cam to be masturbating in a mortuary in Hsinchu City.

The 40 year old man was identified as a security guard with the last name "Chen". Chen was caught to have been masturbating three times while facing photographs of dead young women. The incident took place in April at the Hsinchu City Mortuary. Meanwhile, the footage of the obscene act was already held in custody.

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Chen said that he had no control over his actions and claimed he was possessed. The families and other relatives of those dead women in the photographs reacted angrily and did not accept any of Chen's explanations.

The obscene act happened on April 9 at midnight after Chen rode his car to the mortuary from his Zhudong home. He concealed his face and stealthily went inside the mortuary. He hid behind temporary altars where the pictures of young women who have recently died were placed.

After thinking no one was in the vicinity, Chen started masturbating by looking at one of the photos.

The on duty guard during that shift saw Chen on the surveillance camera but failed to apprehend him right away. Chen went back on the nights of April 15 to 16 and masturbated in front of the picture of a young woman who recently died. The woman on the photo was said to be in her twenties during the time of her death. This time, the act Chen made was caught on camera and was later handed to the authorities.

Chen was tracked through the license plate of his scooted and was taken in for inquiry. When asked about the act caught on surveillance camera, he did not deny his actions. He reiterated that he was possessed at that time when he committed the act.

Meanwhile, authorities said that Chen was kind of disoriented during the inquest.

The police filed sexual morality against Chen.