• Batman: Arkham Knight is a action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Batman: Arkham Knight is a action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Photo : Facebook/Batman Arkham)

New "Batman: Arkham Knight" details will have every "Arkham" title free on Steam and several glitches are still found in the PC version.

PC gamers who have purchased and downloaded "Batman: Arkham Knight" on Steam were met with disappointment yet again as the PC version of the game is still suffering from numerous problems. Several gamers have complained about PC version system performances, stuttering, plummeting game frame rate and constant freezing during gameplay.

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The game's publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment were aware of the PC relaunch problems and promised gaming fans that they will find a solution for problems plaguing "Batman: Arkham Knight" in the PC, IGN reported.

The Steam communty warned players of a GPU issue affecting Window 7 users that "crops up" the extended gameplay session and a hard drive paging issue which caused the stuttering in the first place. The Steam community aslo advided Window 10 users to have atleast 12GB of system RAM for them to play "Batman: Arkham Knight" in the PC without stuttering.

As a way to compensate for the PC users, Warner Bros. announced that every "Batman: Arkham" title will be available for on Steam for free, ComicBookResources reported. PC user who have purchased or have already have a copy of "Batman: Arkham Knight" prior to 11:59PM PT on Nov. 16 will receive "Batman: Arkham Asylum", "Arkham City", Arkham Origins" and "Arkham Origins Blackgate" in their Steam libraries by December.

Rocksteady Studios added that they are currently creating a Community Challenge Pack for the game and it scheduled to launch on January next year. PC users will have access to several game maps a week before they are available for the console versions. The game studio previously stated several new details for the upcoming "Season of Infamy" missions in the main storyline of the game.

"Batman: Arkham Knight is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.