• Riot Games studio recently came up with an announcement about updates they plan to implement in their "League of Legends" game.

Riot Games studio recently came up with an announcement about updates they plan to implement in their "League of Legends" game. (Photo : YouTube)

Riot Games studio recently came up with an announcement about updates they plan to implement in their "League of Legends" game. The update is believed to be the biggest in six years and will include lots of new features and options.

Customization option for marksmen, along with changes in mastery system of game, will now be focused plus the game will offer players with an option to choose the process through which their character develops. When it comes to champ selection, players get an option to select two positions thereby reducing time stuck in queue and also avoids player from getting stuck during the game.

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Yet another notable update is in the Matchmaking scenario, players get a chance to choose challenging matches. Riot team has also guaranteed that the waiting time will be considerably reduced. Team has also announced that players get an option to grab keys soon after victory.

Players also get a chance to join clubs and parties through the new app. With the help of clubs, players can create a social group, and with the help of social group, players can organize the game with these group members and also provide options for group chat. Parties also share similar feature while the benefits are available only to members belonging to clubs

The most beneficial aspect included in the update is the inclusion of social feature. Players gain chance to instantly check friends list than starting the whole game all over again. The news and information related to update was confirmed through the League of Legends 2015 World Championship that was theatrically released.