• Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Photo : Reuters)

Players of the highly acclaimed first-person shooter video game "Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" received an early New Year present.

Sledgehammer Games has worked along with pro-gamer NaDeShot to develop a new strict sniper-rifle mode of the game. The games new mode was received with positive responses from the player and critic's community.

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 "One Shot" is a leap from the conventional run and gun dynamics of "Call of Duty". The videogame is widely known for its team-based battle-royale mechanics has created a new gameplay environment which puts players on a hunt or be-hunted perspective. "One Shot" puts players into a sudden-death type of game. Players of the new mode are only allowed to use the MORS rifle and it is the only available weapon in the game.

"One Shot" mode allows the new classes to carry the same MORS bolt action rail gun rifle only with slight variance on the design and some class specific add-ons like the Scorestreak and the EXO skill. Five new classes were added in the new mode; the Ace, the Hard Scope, the Irons, the 4X and the Zoomed.

The new mode, unlike the regular "Call of Duty" game where players are allowed to carry a wide variety of different weapons and arsenal, this mode strictly locks the player on the sniper weapon which means secondary weapon like a pistol are restricted. The game starts with players having very low health level giving them the chance to kill their opponents with practically a single shot

Sledgehammer Games revealed "One Shot" along with the double XP feature so players can start racking up on experience points while on holiday. It can be downloaded on PlayStation Now and Xbox Live networks. The double XP feature however is only available if players are using the new mode.