• This War of Mine Brasil Gamers Community pag Cover Photo.

This War of Mine Brasil Gamers Community pag Cover Photo. (Photo : This War of Mine Brasil/Facebook)

"This War of Mine," a war themed survival game developed by 11 bits studio from Poland, has created a table-top version of the game. The board game version is a result of a team up effort with the legendary board game designers, Jakub Wisniewski and Michael Oracz. The board can be played right from the box, even to those who are not familiar with the video game version or those who does not have the slightest idea with the rules. The game can use an app, making the game much easier.

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The two designers Michael Oracz from the Neuroshima Hex, ventured with story designer and translator for "Earthcore: Shattered Elements" and "Dying Light," have created the game that can be played with up to six people. But during the press interview, the developer has revealed that they are considering to create a solo play and they aim to release it by 2016, Polygon reported.

For curiosity's sake, how can this game be too easy that it does not require know how on the rules before starting to play?

Just like what 11 bit have said about the game, they really intended to omit the customary board game entry, according to them the "This War of Mine" Board Game version can be instantly be played - not even the initial manual reading instruction needed, thus making this project is considered to be extremely ambitious and a daring move, IBTimes reported.

With the inclusion of an app containing digital contents will enhance each gamer's experience because it also included live story updates, soundtrack, cut scenes, scenario-triggered screenplays, mini-radio play, unlockable content , game puzzles, hidden secrets, concept art or game related locations and a lot of stuffs.

XCOM: The Board Game app will be the game implementation tool that will be go along with the boardgame.