• The DC Trinity: Batman, Wonderwoman and Superman star in Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice

The DC Trinity: Batman, Wonderwoman and Superman star in Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice (Photo : Youtube)

The feedback from the comic book fandom appears to be divided on the latest "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer. Some critics blast the trailer for giving too much away while the other half defends the trailer for showing just enough to entice the fans.

The "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer was launched in "Jimmy Kimmel Live" a few days ago. The video has been viewed worldwide for over five million times.

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YouTube was plagued with negative criticisms due to the apparent spoiling of the "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" plot. Popular YouTube critics like Jeremy Jahns, Chris Stuckman, John Flickinger and the Schmoesknow Podcast hosts compare the "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer to how the trailer for the "Star Wars Force Awakens" was made which makes the audience feel intrigued by not giving away too much of the story.

Other criticisms point out Jessie Eissenberg playing Jessie Eissenberg instead of playing the Lex Luthor the comic fans know and the appearance of Doomsday.

Russ Burlingame of Comic Book also gave its take on this and, for the most part, stated that while the trailer gave a lot of details, there are still a lot to discover and look forward to the "Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice" movie. He also mentioned that this type of trailer is pretty common and is not much different from all other trailers that came before it. IGN stressed that it showed what the audiences needed to know.

Due to the polarizing viewpoints on the recent "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer, many fans are now wondering if this will affect the anticipation fans have had in the past weeks. "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hit theaters in March of 2016.