• The popular emoji may have found place in the hearts of all devices, but not in the OS X Yosemite owners.

The popular emoji may have found place in the hearts of all devices, but not in the OS X Yosemite owners. (Photo : Reuters)

The popular emoji may have found place in the hearts of all devices, but not in the OS X Yosemite owners.

Apple's OS X Yosemite is not a place where the password can include an emoji. Artiom Dashisnky posted in August how he struggled to get into his device after using an emoji in his password when logging in.

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Dashisnky had apparently used the emoji using the ctrl+command+space buttons to create password, but as the native keywords are only supported by Yosemite screens, he strived a lot to get back into the device. Even FileVault encryption enabled made the task even wearier.

Dashinsky managed to login back but with a complicated process, which included the use of an external hard drive installed and booted. The process was done in the recovery mode, and this was how the user was able to type in the emoji password. Again, the process was not easy as this could be done only after decrypting using the Disk Utility. The drive decrypts in a slower pace that can take in a few hours. The user then restarted the device in recovery mode, and ran the terminal command "ResetPassword."

When Dashinsky posted this, a commenter suggested using "OtherInputSources" that is available on the login screen. This works provided, there are other users logged into the computer at the same time.

While using hard-to-crack characters are good ideas in passwords, emojis can only add to the security of these passwords; however, Apple users need to keep in mind that emojis would just prevent the owners to get in to their own device.