• Firefighter Reading to Boy

Firefighter Reading to Boy (Photo : Facebook)

A Facebook post about how an Arizona firefighter helped to calm a young child after a car accident has gone viral. Two young children were shaken up and frightened following a vehicular accident in Chandler, Arizona. One firefighter helped to calm a little boy by reading the storybook entitled "The Not Very Merry Pout-Pout Fish" to the kid.

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The Facebook post was made by Steffani Blair who noticed the car crash as she was driving by. She snapped the picture after pulling over to make sure everyone was okay after witnessing the two-car accident.  

She added a comment to her Facebook post that people should be kind to first responders, according to Tucson News Now. Blair noted that they have a very challenging job, but they do it well. She described the scene of the firefighter reading to the child as a "sweet tender mercy."

The firefighter who read to the boy was Russell Whaley, according to Daily Mail. He read the book to four-year-old Lucas Pacheco.   

Lucas had become nervous. That happened when he saw his mother 32-year-old Shana Pacheco wearing an oxygen mask.

Another of the first responders also made a hand balloon out of a glove and drew a silly face on it. It helped to cheer up Lucas.

Battalion Chief Keith Welch told Today he was not surprised when he saw the Facebook photo. He explained that first responders often have to deal with people's emotional needs.

During the weekend the Pacheco family visited the fire department to thank them with baked goods. Lucas received a badge of bravery and got a ride in one of the station's fire trucks.