• Star Wars Battlefront is an upcoming action video game based on the Star Wars franchise developed by DICE and distributed by EA Games.

Star Wars Battlefront is an upcoming action video game based on the Star Wars franchise developed by DICE and distributed by EA Games. (Photo : Facebook/Star Wars Battlefront)

The latest details for "Star Wars Battlefront" will feature a free trial for the "Outer Rim" DLC and a new game featuring contents from the new "Star Wars" films and a possible 2017 release date.

Electronic Arts and DICE announced that the "Outer Rim" DLC expansion for "Star Wars Battlefront" will have a free trial gameplay this week from May 13-15, IGN reported The "Outer Rim DLC was released on April 5 in the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the PC platforms as its features four new game maps such as Jabba the Hutt's Palace, the Palace Garage on Tatooine, SoroSuub Refinery, and the pipelines on Sullust.

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The DLC also introduces new game modes such as "Extraction" which features players protecting a package from incoming Stormtroopers, and free-for-all "Spectator" mode.

Two new "Star Wars" characters are added in "Star Wars: Battlefront", Nien Nunb for the Rebel Alliance and Greedo for the Galactic Empire. There are also new weapons such as the Relby V-10 rifle and DT-12 blaster pistol. In addition, players can collect and equip a Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim Star Card.

EA recently added some new game contents for "Star Wars Battlefront" in the May 4 event that sees players having 4,444 credits, allowing them to purchase the latest blasters, Star Cards and Hutt Contracts.

In other news, the next "Star Wars Battlefront" video game will feature new in-game contents from the new upcoming films.

EA CFO Blake Jorgensen teased a "bigger and better worlds" and will make sure that the new "Star Wars" films will added in the 2015 sequel hinting to be "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", "The Rogue One" and "Episode VIII", Gamerant reported.

"Star Wars Battlefront" was purely focused on the original "Star Wars" trilogy and has sold over 14 million copies around the world. Jorgensen added that EA plans to make more "Star Wars" game every year for the next three to four years and the "Battlefront" sequel will likely be in develop and launch sometime in 2017.

For now, "Star Wars Battlefront" will have another DLC expansion which features the cloud city of Bespin, with a new playable character, Lando Calrissian.There will be four new game maps within the DLC, AT-AT fights on the Cloud City, Fighter Squadron gameplay and exploration on the carbonite chamber.

New events will include more double score weekends, community missions and Special Login Events to earn more experience, credits and items. New Hutt contracts will unlock the latest Star Cards like the Berserker Trait, Bacta Bomb and Ion Neutralizer.

EA added something special for the Bespin DLC, possibly teasing an offline mode for the game and it will launch on June.

"Star Wars Battlefront" is currently available in stores for the PS4, Xbox One and for the PC.