• Smoking

Smoking (Photo : Reuters)

In a study issued by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA), smokers who are using Chantix, a pill that helps to quit smoking should be taken carefully while consuming alcohol as it could cause severe effects on their behavior.

Reports have been compiled by FDA where after conducting clinical trial with the patients it had been found that smokers taking Chantix while drinking have the tendency to behave rather aggressively than usual. The patients even have shown sign of memory loss after taking considered amount of drinks.

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No doubt, Chantix has its trade-offs as details about both of these side effects have been added to its label as "Warnings and Precautions." But earlier Pfizer manufacturer of Chantix, cited some of the most common side effects including nausea, trouble sleeping, and gastrointestinal problems like gas and constipation.

In many of the reports received by FDA, patients have been complaining about serious outcome while taking even small amount of alcohol after consuming the Chantix pill. In one case, a patient met an accident and got arrested by police. According to Los Angeles Times, in 37 cases ranging from unusual aggressive behavior, memory loss, causing serious injuries to a person or property have been reporting since 2006. Also there are some fractions of patients who have been reported seizure disorders.

The FDA has also acknowledged that Chantix might cause neuropsychiatric side effects, including suicidal thoughts or actions. Though not a single case being reported to agency.

According to data from IMS Health, in the year 2013, around 2.1 millions people charged the prescriptions for Chantix. Varenicline generic name of Chantix, is a kind of drug which attach itself to nicotine receptors in the brain so that they can't be stimulated by the nicotine in cigarettes. Eventually curb out their urge to smoke. It also invokes the brain to release small amounts of dopamine, which helps palliate symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

To compare with other smoking cessation drugs, Chantix was 51% more effective than a nicotine patch and 72% more effective than nicotine gum.

Pfizer recited the FDA's advice on Chantix's website to curb the amount of drinks consumed while taking the medicine and also asking patients if they are experiencing any of such behavioral problems should stop taking the pill and call for immediate medical aid.