Monday, 24th, 2025 | 8:06PM Updated

Sony plans to unveil PlayStation Neo next month.
Sony to unveil Playstation Neo next month

Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 have only recently been available in China, after a 15-year ban on console gaming was lifted in June.
Videogames Should Be 'Healthy': Ministry of Culture

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Reports claim that the new Apple TV does not support Remote app from iOS and watchOS.
New Apple TV Is Also A Console Gaming Device

With more Chinese playing games on their smartphones, China is expected to become the largest market for mobile games in the coming years.
Chinese Mobile Game Developers Struggling to Survive

Until recently, Chinese gamers have been content with PC gaming, causing a hurdle for console makers like Sony and Microsoft.
Chinese Censors Pose Threat to the Success of Console Games

China has announced it will ease the restrictions on the sale of gaming consoles and games.
China to Lift 15-Year-Old Ban on Gaming Consoles

Sony Xperia Z5
Sony Xperia Designs New Sony Xperia Z5 As Gaming-Focused

Video Games
China Lifts Ban on Gaming Consoles

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