• South Koreans Rush To Sokcho For Pokemon Go

South Koreans Rush To Sokcho For Pokemon Go (Photo : Getty Images/ Jean Chung)

Pokémon Go fans in Japan can now enjoy as it has been rolled out, a launch that Niantic was previously delayed as a result of concerns about the game's servers.

The Pokémon Go's server's problem was however alleviated since the game's Western release, yet some players using the Pokémon Trainer Club to login are still encountering frequent issues.

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According to Polygon, several fan-made server status pages that log the game's various connection problems. Sites such as PokémonGoServers.net and PokémonGoStatus.org frequently update players on how the mega-hit mobile game's servers are holding up at any given moment.

PokémonGoStatus have confirmed, the servers have remained stable for several hours, although latency does experience the occasional spike.

What suffers more frequently is the Pokémon Trainer Club, according to sites that keep track. The official fan site is one of two account options players have for accessing the game, but those who do play Pokémon Go with a Pokémon Trainer Club have experienced issues logging in since the game launched.

After the U.S. release, The Pokémon Company had to shut down Pokémon Trainer Club account registrations entirely due to an overload on that site's servers. That is trickled down to the people who were able to make or use their accounts to begin playing Pokémon Go. Pokémon Trainer Club members are constantly met with error messages where their Google-using friends can play the game without issue, pokemontcg reported.

Niantic Labs has acknowledged the instability of the Pokémon Trainer Club and servers on several occasions, but the developer has never addressed the root of the problem. Instead, players worldwide who choose to log their progress with Pokémon Trainer Club continue to find themselves out of luck when they want to get in a quick round of Pokémon-hunting.

Currently, server status sites like the appropriately named Pokémon Go Server Status suggest that the connection to Pokémon Trainer Club is "unstable." Still, even that system's been up 91.4 percent of the time over the past day, according to its metrics.

It looks like Pokémon Go's server problems - the subject of memes, complaints and angry tweets throughout the last two weeks - could be inching closer to an end.

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