• Pokemon Go: Water types are strong against Rock, Ground, Fire types; Ice types vulnerable to Steel, Rock, Fire types

Pokemon Go: Water types are strong against Rock, Ground, Fire types; Ice types vulnerable to Steel, Rock, Fire types (Photo : YouTube/ Pokemon Go)

Here are some tips to track Pokemon without a third-party tracker app

The 'nearby' pane in the game does not work correctly. One problem is that creatures who have despawned will still show up in a player's nearby window till they restart the app. To ensure the list of nearby Pokemon that players are seeing is not producing false positives, they need to shut down and restart their app periodically.

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Then, players should install Ingress on their phone. When gamers are playing, they should pull up Ingress and look at the map for XM concentrations that are close to them. XM fields which are firmly packed, or which are loose and widespread will have Pokemon in them.

Once players pull up the Ingress map, they should ignore the blue and orange rings and instead search for white energy dots (XM). The denser the white energy dots, the more likely players are to discover Pokemon spawn.

Blue and green swirls do not relate to finding the creature. Players should focus on the white XM lights. Furthermore, players are more likely to find the creature in dense XM areas that are not close to portals.

According to many reports, a few gamers have observed that in Ingress, the XM concentration may change over time, depending on how many individuals were using the the game or Google services. If many individuals are using Pokemon GO in a player's area, they may see more spawning places in the future.

A few Reddit users said that Go Radar on the iOS store still works and allows players filter through Pokemon. It takes five to 10 sec to scan.

Players can also use radius-based tracking method to track Pokemon. The method, which is developed by u/Rkey, is particularly great for tracking rare Pokemon that appear on a player's tracker.

Furthermore, players can create their own guide for discovering Pokemon spawns. JTobcat has created a guide. The Redditor suggests that players should first document Pokemon spawns as well as spawn times in their neighborhood by adding markers and creating a Google My Map.

Pokemon spawn sites produce one Pokemon simultaneously, every hour, and they despawn after 15 minutes. Gamers should walk around their neighborhood and drop a pin each time they view a Pokemon, and label the pin with the minute they found it and the kind of Pokemon.

They should do this every few hours, on different days and using different paths. Players should revisit the places till they ultimately figure out the precise spawn times.

Meanwhile, Pokemon Go has launched in 15 more nations across Oceania and Asia - Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Laos.