• Jurassic Park's T-Rex

Jurassic Park's T-Rex (Photo : Twitter/@JurassicPark)

Colin Trevorrow's "Jurassic World" is ready to hit theaters and the film gives several references to Steven Spielberg's "Jurassic Park."

For keen-eyed fans, the previously released trailers and TV spots of "Jurassic World" gave some links to Spielberg's 1993 Blockbuster. These links lead to both obvious and elusive accolade to the original "Jurassic Park" film, as per Cinema Blend.

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"Jurassic World" trailers and TV spots have featured wide-angle shots of the helicopter traversing over the lavish and dense jungle of the tropical Isla Nublar, which can also be seen in its other film predecessors. It is a metaphor that humans are very small to play god.

The old-school jeepneys in "Jurassic Park" have been also featured in earlier "Jurassic World" trailers and TV spots, in which one became Claire Dearing and Owen Grady's hiding object from the vicious Indominus rex.

John Hammond, who was played by the late Richard Atteenbourough, is the dreamer in the original "Jurassic Park." His vision is a theme park with living dinosaurs, which aims to provide wonder and happiness to people.

"Jurassic World" honors John Hammond by building a bronze statue at the main visitor center in his honor. Also, Hammond has incarnated in "Jurassic World" as Simon Masrani, who is played by Irrfhan Khan. Masrani is the owner of the park and continues Hammond's dream and vision.

Dr. Henry Wu, who is played by BD Wong, is the only character that connects both this years's "Jurassic World" and 1993's "Jurassic Park."

In "Jurassic Park," Wu is part of the scientist-researchers who are responsible for the creation of the dinosaurs in the theme park. In the upcoming "Jurassic World," Wu is the brain behind the creation of the park's hybrid, the Indominus rex, revealing his much larger role than the original film.

Another link between Spielberg's film and Trevorrow's film is the Tyrannosaurus rex from the original "Jurassic Park," which is reportedly the same dinosaur featured in "Jurassic World." Trevorrow and his team may have included the old T-Rex in "Jurassic World" to acknowledge its legacy in "Jurassic Park."

While some ideas in the film are Spielberg's, the final output is actually Trevorrow's original vision for the movie, as per Collider. Trevorrow told the publication that he was free to make something that has his own touch.

Trevorrow's "Jurassic World" is slated to premiere in theaters in United States tomorrow. Watch the final trailer here: