• Apple delayed the release of WatchOS 2 due to an unfixed bug,

Apple delayed the release of WatchOS 2 due to an unfixed bug, (Photo : Reuters)

The updated August IOS app enables users to use Apple watches to control the August Smart Lock. The downloadable app syncronizes wireless connections from the Smart Lock, the iPhone and the watch, which provides an activity log of who enters and exits a user's home.  

According to MacWorld, the company's Smart Lock is a $250 battery-powered lock that connects to smartphones via Bluetooth. There is an optional choice to use a $50 dollar Wi-Fi hub that lets the user control the lock remotely over the internet. A standard keyhole is available in case the app malfunctions.

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According to August, the user can initiate the lock and unlock feature of the watch with a tap or a swipe. The users can view if who entered or who exited their home using the logs on the watch. The time of the visit or exit is also visible.  Notifications will appear on the watch if doors are open. IT makes the users sure of the safety of the house.

The app needed to control the Smart lock is downloadable.  The application should be installed on the user's iPhone. The user should activate the application on the phone. After activating the app, August should be selected.  "Show up Apple Watch" and "Glances" should be turned on lastly to view the logs of the app.

The Smart lock application is just an add-on to August. The application already includes an auto-lock feature that automatically opens the door if it detects a trusted iPhone in its proximity. The app opens the door for the user without doing anything. 

The August app is the first smart lock application for the Apple Watch. It competes with the growing market of applications connected to home products controlled using a watch. Apple watch's soon to arrive WatchOS 2 is expected to shake the market with its voice commands for home kit.