Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 11:10AM Updated

IS Execution of British Spies
5 Gunmen Replace Jihadi John As Killers Of British Spies

Syrian Kurds Battle IS To Retain Control Of Kobani
Air Strike Kills ISIS Leader Abu Nabil

A medic tends to a man near the Boulevard des Filles-du-Calvaire after an attack in Paris, France, on Nov. 13, 2015.
France Closes Borders As Paris Attacks Death Toll Reaches 60

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The ISIS militant known as Jihadi John has been unmasked.
Did The U.S.-Launched Drone Strike On Thursday Kill Jihadi John?

The ISIS militant known as Jihadi John has been unmasked.
Russian President To Send Troops To Syria To Capture Jihadi John?

Commuters Silently Dance The Tango At London Bridge
Danish Journalist Danced Tango With Jihadi John

China has expressed its intent to fight ISIS.
Ex-Marine & Schoolmate Of Jihadi John Making Docu About Islamic State

Loretta Lynch
Ex-Congressman Dares AG Loretta Lynch To Indict Jihadi John

Tina Romer Hartegaard
15-Year-Old Danish Imitates Jihadi John, Murders Mother Using Kitchen Knife

Mohammad Emwazi
Jihadi John Uses Human Shields When He Hears Drones

The ISIS militant known as Jihadi John has been unmasked.
Jihadi John Also Tops Britain’s Secret Kill List

In Case You Missed It

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