• The ASUS ROG GX800, which features two GTX 980s in SLI, is demonstrated at Computex 2016

The ASUS ROG GX800, which features two GTX 980s in SLI, is demonstrated at Computex 2016 (Photo : YouTube / Keddr.com)

ASUS has recently revealed their new ASUS ROG GX800 which could be the most powerful gaming laptop with two fully powered NVIDIA GTX 980 running games smoothly at 4K UHD resolution.

There are even plans of the next ASUS ROG gaming laptop to feature the new GTX 1080 which would obviously be more powerful than the GX800's GTX 980. ASUS is shipping the new laptop this summer with a stunning $6000 price tag for hardcore gamers.

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During the Computex 2016 event, the Taiwanese tech company demonstrated the new gaming laptop with its detachable liquid cooling solution for the back It contains two 330W power supplies inside to maintain the performance even in overclocked conditions.

The ASUS ROG GX800 gaming laptop contains an 18.4-inch screen with 4K resolution and features the G-Sync display tech from NVIDIA, Laptop Mag has learned. Nothing beats the laptop in the current market.

ASUS also said that they are planning to launch a new laptop with the GTX 1080 video cards from NVIDIA. It is not confirmed yet whether it will be the desktop version or just the GTX 1080m card which is still more powerful than the GTX Titan X.

Inside the ASUS ROG GX800 are two GTX 980s in an SLI setup plus the new Intel K-series CPU clocked at 4.4GHz, Pocket-lint reported. It can even carry up to 64GB RAM running at 2400MHz.

To battle the heat coming from the laptop during intense gaming sessions, the Thermal Hydro Clocking docking station will provide the cooling. Detaching it could cause just a small 10 to 15 percent decrease in the overall framerates as the GPU underclocks if it reaches the maximum temperature to prevent damage throughout the rest of the laptop.

Overclocking the ASUS ROG G800's twin SLI GTX 980s can reach up to a 236 percent performance increase. Of course, the user would have to plug the laptop in for the maximum effect.

The plans for the GTX 1080 laptop are still vague at this point. However, it should be expected that it will be more powerful but it can also be cheaper or just at the same price of the current gaming laptops.

For the price of $6000, the ASUS ROG GX800 laptop is indeed the most powerful portable gaming device in the market. Two GTX 980s plus the 4K screen will provide the best gaming experience on a laptop.