Friday, 11th, 2024 | 4:21PM Updated

Sprint to Acquire T-Mobile for USD$20 Billion To Fight Huawei Concerns

Sources say Sprint Corporation might be planning on acquiring rival wireless operator T-MobileUS. If acquisition passes government regulatory approval, the US wireless telecom market will be dominated by three major wireless carriers.

Hubei Statistics Bureau Deputy Director Lost 2 Bikes in 2 Weeks

Yesterday, Provincial Statistics Bureau Deputy Director Ye Qing's short tweet, "Ai! My bike is gone again" caused quite a stir. Ye Qing, who over the last two weeks had two bikes stolen from the same subway station, called for the establishment of free bicycle storage system for subway riders.

Chinese and US Warships Face Off in South China Sea

The US military, has for a long time, used freedom of navigation on the high seas as an excuse to sail along China’s doorstep while conducting close reconnaissance and surveillance of our routine military activities. Recently, foreign media has reported that there was a confrontation between Chinese and US warships in the South China Sea.

China's Rabbit Starts Mission on The Moon

China's ambition in outer space exploration will start its first mission to the moon on Monday. This mission will be a turning point for their outer space exploration program, ambitiously aiming to create a permanent outer space station in 2020.

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Post Plastic-Surgery Girl Rejected by Airport Boarding Security

“This is my I.D. for sure!” Ms. Tan Juan from Guang Dong tried to argue with airport security when the officer rejected her only an hour before her flight.

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Girl Proposed to Boyfriend in Wedding Dress

At the sixth Annual Xi Guan Food Festival, a woman proposed to her boyfriend in wedding dress.

Office Lady Quits Well-Paid Job to Open Peacock Farm

A regular nine-to-five day job that brings home over 200k RMB a year seems like a dream job for most people. A farm job that one has to work in rural southern China dealing with a bunch of smelly animals will seem to be a totally different story. However, Ms. Lu Juanling who lives in Changsha, China, has different opinions on what a dream job would be; she chose the latter.

Environmental Protection Strengthened between Hong Kong and U.S.

On Dec. 12th, 2013, Deputy Director of the HKSAR Environment Bureau, Lu Gonghui, met with Head of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gina McCarthy, exchanging ideas on air quality management and discussing about further strengthening mutual cooperation on the environmental protection in Hong Kong and the U.S.

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10 Most Incomprehensible Chinese Dialects

With over 106,230 complex logograms, commonly known as "ideograms", Chinese is undoubtedly one of the most difficult languages in the world with more than 250 different dialects spoken across 22 provinces.

Girl Crashed Garage Security to Skip Parking Fee

Beijing, China – 29 years old girl Ms. Yang Xueou got into a fight with the garage security when she was asked to pay 40 RMB parking fee.

Husband Sculpts Snow Mascots for Ill Wife

A neighborhood in the snow-blanketed city of Ji Lin, China recently sprang to life with mascots of animals sculpted from snow. They included a 30-foot long dragon, the God of Health; a big horse; a rabbit and a giant carp.

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Company Buys 10 Mercedes as Year-end Bonuses for Employees

Can you ever imagine your boss being as generous as to buy you a Mercedes for a year-end bonus? Well, it seems like the employees at a technology company in Shenzhen, China got lucky.

National Entrance Exams for Colleges and Universities to Exclude English Test

According to the official website of China's Ministry of Education, the reform program of the national entrance examination and enrollment method has been completed and will soon be open to the public for their opinion.

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China Mobile to Complete Nearly 1000 4G Networking Sites in Tibet

On Dec. 8th, China Mobile announced the plan to complete nearly 1000 4G networking sites in Tibet. It is reported that 967 networking sites will be completed in this highest and biggest network ever.

China Set to Replace US as World's Largest Film Market

Bona Film Group CEO and founder Yu Dong has predicted that China will overtake the United States as the world's largest film market by 2018.

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